Abuse, neglect, and foster care are a reality for 2,000 vulnerable children in The D.C. Metropolitan area.

Foster the Family DC brings practical support to the doorstep of a foster family at its most vulnerable time.

A mother opens the door to her new son or daughter. Her eyes fall on her new child–a stranger–wearing ill-fitting clothes, no coat, and holding a trash bag with a few worn t-shirts. Both mother and child are confused and overwhelmed. The daunting task of making this little one feel safe, of integrating another person into the family, is the first priority. But other things feel more pressing.

The baby needs formula. The toddler needs a teddy like the one forgotten at home. The little boy needs shoes that fit. The sweet girl needs a brush to start pulling through her matted hair. The teenager needs a backpack for the first day back to school. The whole family needs to be fed. The dear mama needs just a few words of encouragement and a number to call for advice.

The first week--specifically the first 24 hours--of a new foster placement is the most trying for a foster child and family. Foster the Family is committed to easing the burden of foster families during this vulnerable time period.

Within 2-24 hours of a new foster placement, the Foster the Family D.C. team will deliver practical necessities and comforting support to the doorstep of a foster family. Each family will receive a Foster Care Package that includes:

  • A meal for the family

  • A note of encouragement and information about resources & support groups

  • Age-appropriate hygiene and toiletry items, such as toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, shampoo, body wash, lotion, etc.

  • Clothing for the child

  • Comfort items, such as a blanket or teddy bear

  • Diapers, formula, wipes, bottles, and anything necessary for an infant

Foster the Family DC Provides ongoing, Holistic Support through Community and care.

  • During our monthly support groups, parents watch a 10-15 minute video with a word of encouragement and education and then break into discussion groups of about 8-10 people. The goal is for parents to leave feeling equipped, connected, and supported as they love and care for the children in their homes.

    Our parent gatherings are a more informal place for parents to connect with one another and learn more about how Foster the Family DC can be a support.

    Click here for our upcoming support group and parent gathering schedule.

  • During a Respite Night, we provide three hours of free childcare with fun activities, including outside time (weather permitting), dinner, and a movie in a safe, fun, trauma-informed space. Respite Nights are for ANY & ALL CHILDREN (ages 0-12) in the home of local foster, adoptive, and kinship families.

    Click here for our upcoming respite schedule.

  • Training & Workshops provide practical resources and training on some of the unique parenting challenges foster, adoptive, and kinship parents face.

    Click here for our upcoming events.

  • Whether celebrating an adoption, helping with a transition (like a goodbye), delivering holiday baskets, or bringing a meal on a random Tuesday, we are committed to ongoing care for families.

    Through our partnerships with Tickets for Kids, Cake 4 Kids, One Simple Wish, and more, we’re able to connect families to even more resources and opportunites.

  • We have many large events and small regional events throughout the year to have FUN and connect families to each other.

    Our annual 5K and Family Fun Day is held every spring and is for our families AND for anyone in the DMV area that wants to support the local foster care community.

    Winter Wonderland is our holiday event that takes place every December for local foster, adoptive, and kinship families.

    Click here to see a schedule of our upcoming events.


Not everyone can foster,
but EVERYONE can

How do YOU want to HELP NOW?